I've been defining any and all opposition these days as evil. It's beginning to turn into quite a complex and while I have not explicitly called anyone out as such, I know it's only a matter of time until I break.

So far I've labeled: the mall, the bank, the city, Regent st., the lines at the grocery store, the local skatepark, city planners, poor drivers, pot holes, bike lanes, ATM machines, credit cards, muffins, poorly cooked meals from a restaurant, my computer, dirt, my hat, bikers at the skatepark, Lionel Richie, random dogs who antagonize my dog, squirrels, car dealerships, the recession, the economy and sidewalk cracks as evil. I'm sure there are more to this list and I know there are more specific people who I consider evil from time to time but I'm unwilling and unable to publish names as it may cause a falling out on facebook and I've managed to accumulate a whole pile of people.
I'm uncertain as to why I continue to add more people to facebook account as I rarely if ever speak with them directly, but I do. I suppose this would make Facebook evil as well according to my flawed logic and temperamental attitude, but I continue on. Just as I continue to use the same bank, I continue on with Facebook. Even though it provides very little in terms of connections and benefits, I remain on a steady path of friend accumulation.
The funny thing about facebook is that it is presented to people as a networking tool. While I can see the book as a nod to a friendship I may have held at some time, I am unable to use it in such a way as to improve my life. Not only has facebook never mowed the lawn for me, it has never been able to find someone from my list of friends who would be willing to mow my lawn for me. It just seems fraudulent to call it useful. I don't know about you but much of the information which is provided from others mainly makes me feel badly about my life. Everyone seems to be doing something interesting and exceptional except me.
I live in the realm of the mundane and while I do manage to venture out into the wide world from time to time, there is never enough room to completely express what went on in my adventure. The whole concept of breaking free has left my body as I'm now almost completely dependent on structure within my day to day regime. I really do need to keep busy in order to avoid depression and I'm not very good at remaining productive on my own. It's easy for me to lose momentum and Facebook makes it all the more easy as I'm perusing about instead of mowing the lawn myself or out in front of the house popping ollies. I guess Facebook just reminds me of my own insignificance and prompts me to withdraw from real activities and instead accommodates my procrastination from things that matter.

Then again, maybe I'm the one who is evil. I'm the one who allowed myself to get dupped into this digital reconnection with others. My own weakness has prompted me to fall into despair and devolve socially. While I was once able to pay attention in a conversation, I now drift off mentally only to return with some paranoia as to what I've missed. I sure would like to talk to Doctor Phil about all of this but I have dubbed him as evil and would only speak in absurdities to see what type of tag lines he would come up with.
Stay strong my friends. Halloween is around the corner and that just means the world will be all the more evil.
-Marc Landry