Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tron Ramp
Pretty neat light show on a mini-ramp promoting the new film Tron.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Skate Canada
I know I'm probably late on this but I just watched Skate Canada on VBS and there is 2 New Brunswickers in the video. Josh Clark explains the shitty plaza that the city of Montreal built, and Cassidy Guest has some footage at the end.
Friday, September 17, 2010
September Montage
Well I was planning to save a bunch of footage and make a longer montage than usual but I haven't had the chance to get out and film as much as I hoped, so I figured I better put up the footage I already have before it gets old and stale.
So here's the new montage featuring Josh Clark, Francish Bischoff and Justin Allain.
So here's the new montage featuring Josh Clark, Francish Bischoff and Justin Allain.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A promo clip for a montage or just a clip promoting a montage.
Monday, August 9, 2010
I've been out filming the last couple of days working on a new montage that will be out in the near future, but until then I'll be putting up random clips and throwaway stuff, for now here's a little video showing the rockstar life that Mark Feero lives.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
DSLR Handles
Jason Hernandez(Nike Filmer) has created an interesting handle for people filming with DSLR's, because of the weird shape of the camera for filming lines you pretty much have to use some sort of a handle to get useable footage. The handle looks like it would work great but they're a bit pricey for a handle at $385us, however if your filming with an slr you'll probably wanna look into it and to do so you have to email
There are alternatives if you can't shell out the dough on the eazy handle then you can always go to home depot and rig up a DIY(do it yourself) handle for cheap or check out some other companies making handles The Cube Media Cage Swandle
There are alternatives if you can't shell out the dough on the eazy handle then you can always go to home depot and rig up a DIY(do it yourself) handle for cheap or check out some other companies making handles The Cube Media Cage Swandle
I just updated the site's layout a little bit although I don't have any footage or photos to post right now I thought I would atleast update the look of the site, anyway I'll hopefully have a new short montage up by the this week so check back soon.
Monday, June 14, 2010
I took a trip up to the Bathurst Park yesterday with some of the East Side crew and It's been a while since I was at that park but I really forgot how much fun it is there. It's super clean with 2 sections, one side with good park obstacles and the other side has the street section with all the ledges, stairs rails, etc..
I didn't get as much footage as I hoped due to it being really hot out and Brandon took some hard falls as seen in the video below.
I didn't get as much footage as I hoped due to it being really hot out and Brandon took some hard falls as seen in the video below.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Justin Sequence
Jeff Delong sent me this sequence of Justin Allain doing a smith grind on a ledge to a 180 out switch manual.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Park Montage
Just made a new montage with footage at the Moncton Park and Kimble park featuring Justin Allain, Greg Brewer, Brandon Meehan, and Josh Clark.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Just in case anyone missed the Saint John Spot Check video I made for here it is.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
New Footage
I decided to take my 7d with me to kimble today and film a few tricks with Francis Bischoff, check it out.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Whois Montage
Here's a new montage that Sean G made over at, It's always nice to see some quality montages.
I know I haven't put together a montage or any new footage in a while but don't worry I'll put something together soon and I'll try take some new photos to put up as well.
I know I haven't put together a montage or any new footage in a while but don't worry I'll put something together soon and I'll try take some new photos to put up as well.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
More oldies
I'm still finding stuff on the hard drive and this time it's an old montage from spring 2006 with Greg Brewer, Josh Clark, Kyle Charland and Jeff Delong. Youtube is being lame and diabled the audio so try to enjoy the silent video lol.
And here is some footage I came across on some of Jody Wagstaff's old tapes. He lent them to me to find old footage of him for his part in Under the Elms, it's some pretty classic old footy of Russ Milligan, Ted Degros and Geoff Dermer.
And here is some footage I came across on some of Jody Wagstaff's old tapes. He lent them to me to find old footage of him for his part in Under the Elms, it's some pretty classic old footy of Russ Milligan, Ted Degros and Geoff Dermer.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Landry's Column
Here is the latest column by Marc Landry.
"Age Ain't Nothing But A Number"
I forgot my age again the other day. I don’t know what it is but I always lose track of how old I am. The one thing I do know is that 37 (which will be my official age later this year) seems old to me. For me, right now, 37 represents old. I know it’s just a number but it just seems old to me. 35 wasn’t old, 30 didn’t make me feel old but right now 37 is the number that is kind of throwing me over the edge.
There are certain preconceived notions that go along with that number and I just don’t know if I live up to the hype. I mean, shouldn’t I already be married with kids by now. I don’t just mean common law and with step-kids, but standing through the whole ceremony and all that. I think I’ve missed a few steps or stages of development that regular folks go through and this worries me and when I worry, I get obsessive in my worrying; so much so that unless I have something interesting to distract me, I can’t think of anything else but this object of worry. Worry has always been a never ending battle for me. It’s a battle that I’ve never enjoyed and which always ends up interfering with my enjoyment of life itself.
You shouldn’t let my faults and downfalls affect you in the same way though. In fact, I would recommend that you avoid worry and carry on in life with confidence. While having a plan is nice, don’t be afraid to stray away from your strategy from time to time. Also, it’s a good idea to consider other people before you make a decision which may be at someone else’s expense. You don’t want to get what you want from life if that means you have to do mean things to others. On that note, I would recommend that you refrain from dishonesty, bossiness or bullying. Most of these faults can be found on the television show Survivor but just because you see these traits on television doesn’t mean they’re ideals we should strive for.
Don’t let your age bring you down. Set out goals for yourself and do your best to accomplish them. While you might not always be happy with the result, you can be pleased with the fact that you tried your best and that you did so without stepping on other people. This may sound like an afterschool special but I would be remiss if I did not attempt to instill some type of moral imperative by means of this bi-monthly diatribe.
"Age Ain't Nothing But A Number"
I forgot my age again the other day. I don’t know what it is but I always lose track of how old I am. The one thing I do know is that 37 (which will be my official age later this year) seems old to me. For me, right now, 37 represents old. I know it’s just a number but it just seems old to me. 35 wasn’t old, 30 didn’t make me feel old but right now 37 is the number that is kind of throwing me over the edge.
There are certain preconceived notions that go along with that number and I just don’t know if I live up to the hype. I mean, shouldn’t I already be married with kids by now. I don’t just mean common law and with step-kids, but standing through the whole ceremony and all that. I think I’ve missed a few steps or stages of development that regular folks go through and this worries me and when I worry, I get obsessive in my worrying; so much so that unless I have something interesting to distract me, I can’t think of anything else but this object of worry. Worry has always been a never ending battle for me. It’s a battle that I’ve never enjoyed and which always ends up interfering with my enjoyment of life itself.
You shouldn’t let my faults and downfalls affect you in the same way though. In fact, I would recommend that you avoid worry and carry on in life with confidence. While having a plan is nice, don’t be afraid to stray away from your strategy from time to time. Also, it’s a good idea to consider other people before you make a decision which may be at someone else’s expense. You don’t want to get what you want from life if that means you have to do mean things to others. On that note, I would recommend that you refrain from dishonesty, bossiness or bullying. Most of these faults can be found on the television show Survivor but just because you see these traits on television doesn’t mean they’re ideals we should strive for.
Don’t let your age bring you down. Set out goals for yourself and do your best to accomplish them. While you might not always be happy with the result, you can be pleased with the fact that you tried your best and that you did so without stepping on other people. This may sound like an afterschool special but I would be remiss if I did not attempt to instill some type of moral imperative by means of this bi-monthly diatribe.

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Here's an old montage from 2006 called curling which after watching the video is self explanatory haha.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Diggin in the Tapes
The other day I got a chance to go through some tapes and a hard drive and I came across some montages that I had totally forgot about, and will be putting up on youtube.
Here's the first one and you can expect more in the next few days.
Here's the first one and you can expect more in the next few days.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Curtis Rothney
Here are some photos that were taken by Halifax photographer Curtis Rothney.

Simon Richards - Pop Shuv

Nick Hanlon - Smith

Kyle Macdonald - Ollie

Kyle Macdonald - Ollie

Nate Oliver - Smith

Simon Richards - Pop Shuv

Nick Hanlon - Smith

Kyle Macdonald - Ollie

Kyle Macdonald - Ollie

Nate Oliver - Smith
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Skate hop
Here are a couple hip hop songs that I came across that are skate related, TK's music is better than Jereme Rogers and he didn't have to retire from skateboarding lol.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Landry Column
It's been a while since I've posted a new Landry Column but he's been busy with work and family so I think that's a good enough reason. Anyway this weeks column is about the new film by Corey Adams "Machotaildrop".
By Marc Landry
The Machotaildrop trailer has completely blown my mind. Not only does it have skateboarding and skateboarders acting, but, to me, it highly ressembles a Wes Anderson film (Rushmore, Royal Tennenbaums, the Life Aquatic).
For some reason, I feel as though the creators have delved into their psyches to produce odd imagery, story and characters which all appeal to my eratic personality. The cars, cake/skate shop, stuffed horse and ramp on a lake all provide a sense of quirkiness that really just works for me.
I like the idea that our own reality does not have to be as dry and as lame as the bean counters of the world have made it out to be. I like things that do not make sense and often babble on incoherently to capture similar dialogue in my own life. Unfortunately, my fiancee brings me back to the reality that what I have just said is not tied to
Machotaildrop seems (I say seems because I have yet to see the film) walk this line of non-sensical silliness and reality. The writers have managed to make a film that makes sense on the surface in order to facilitate odd lines, characters and scenes.
It seems much more interesting to see Walter Rhum get picked up in a little compact car than a hot rod. These are the same devices Wes Anderson uses in his films. It's as though technology peaked in the seventies and that logistically, there is no point to evolve past cassette tapes and eight tracks.
I can't write anymore about the film because, as I have already mentioned, I haven't seen the film. I want to but I don't know where to find it or when it will be available on video. This is one of the most culturally stifling things about NB by the way. The decent and interesting is often overlooked for the glossy and decadent. Everyone wants to impress everyone else with what their luxury items but this is a column for another time.
By Marc Landry
The Machotaildrop trailer has completely blown my mind. Not only does it have skateboarding and skateboarders acting, but, to me, it highly ressembles a Wes Anderson film (Rushmore, Royal Tennenbaums, the Life Aquatic).

I like the idea that our own reality does not have to be as dry and as lame as the bean counters of the world have made it out to be. I like things that do not make sense and often babble on incoherently to capture similar dialogue in my own life. Unfortunately, my fiancee brings me back to the reality that what I have just said is not tied to
Machotaildrop seems (I say seems because I have yet to see the film) walk this line of non-sensical silliness and reality. The writers have managed to make a film that makes sense on the surface in order to facilitate odd lines, characters and scenes.
It seems much more interesting to see Walter Rhum get picked up in a little compact car than a hot rod. These are the same devices Wes Anderson uses in his films. It's as though technology peaked in the seventies and that logistically, there is no point to evolve past cassette tapes and eight tracks.
I can't write anymore about the film because, as I have already mentioned, I haven't seen the film. I want to but I don't know where to find it or when it will be available on video. This is one of the most culturally stifling things about NB by the way. The decent and interesting is often overlooked for the glossy and decadent. Everyone wants to impress everyone else with what their luxury items but this is a column for another time.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I'm not usually one who gets stoked on freestyles but this one by Juelz Santana is sick.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tom Bateman asked me a little while ago if I would do a spotlight interview for Whoisfreddy and now it's up on their site. Check it out for a bit of skate history in Fredericton.

Monday, January 11, 2010
Bro cam is a video that was suppose to come out a long time ago and was made by Josh Kalis' crew, The video never did get released until recently a part of it was put on vimeo.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Here's another montage that zoo york filmer Rb Umali put up on vimeo.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The other day I took a trip to Riverview with Josh Clark, Greg Brewer and Jordy Fox and we met up with Justin Allain at the park and had a fun session along with some narcoleptic antics by Greg. Here's a little montage.
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