Monday, December 19, 2011

Mid Afternnon

Got a chance to skate the East Side mini ramp this afternoon with Mark, Greg, and Brandon. Peep the footy.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Monday's weather was way too nice out not to skate, so I headed up to Kimble and skated with Greg, Palmer, and Dj. I didn't bring my usual camera with me, but I filmed a few tricks with my iphone 4s with the 8mm app to get mad artsy.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Fredericton native, Jeff Thorburn who now resides in Calgary put together this video of him and his friends skating around the streets of Calgary. Check it out!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Here's a little teaser/trailer for Skate Proof, it's not the official one but it should give you some idea what the films gonna be like once it's finished.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Skate Proof

Well I haven't done any sort of skate related project since UTET which was about 5 years ago, Since then I've worked on various film shoots learning the ropes. I've finally decided to try and combine both worlds by doing a feature length film that has an element of skateboard culture. I know there's lots of films out there that have skating in them but they're usually pretty cheesy, and make most skateboarders like myself cringe. There are however a few exceptions of decent skate films out there but they're definitely outnumbered by bad ones.

I began writing the film called "Skate Proof" last year and am now into production filming on weekends. Fredericton locals might recognize the cast in the movie starring Josh Palmer, Mark Feero, Greg Brewer and more.

To stay up to date on the production of "Skate Proof" you can "Like" the Facebook page or Follow us on Twitter

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Umph Ramp

There's another mini-ramp in town, well not really in the town but close enough. Snapped a little photo of Mike Appleby doing a blunt on the extension.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

East Infection

A quick New Brunswick skate history lesson for ya.

12 years ago a video came out called "East Infection", the video was of a bunch of east coast dudes skating out west in Calgary hence the name East Infection. It was put together by Chris Hartigan and features Fredericton skaters Zack Peters, Frank Paulin, Pete Gregg, and more, as well as Saint John's Tim Breen closing out the video.

Now the full length video:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Moncton 2001

I was going through some old vhs tapes of skate footage that people gave me for the Under the elms video, and figured this short Moncton video that Jeff Delong put together in 2001 was worth uploading to youtube.

The video features Geoff Clifford, Justin Allain, Ian O'pray, Robbie Fournier, Jeff Delong and more.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ramp Footy

Some footage from Evan Storey's new mini-ramp featuring Francis and Mark.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I haven't put up a photo in quite sometime so I figured I'd post this pic of Francis skating Evan's new private mini-ramp in Freddy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I took a trip down to Saint John for the day and filmed a few tricks with Brian Gautreau at the plaza/park, and put together this montage from the footage.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dimestore's The Deuce

The full video from Montreal's Dimestore crew "The Deuce" is now online, click the dvd image to head over to the website and check it out. Some maritimers are in the mix like Andrew Mcgraw, Josh Clark and Kyle Macdonald.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Former Haligonian and now Montreal resident Kyle Macdonald has been killin it and here's some raw footage to prove it.

Filmed by Brian Shannon

Friday, June 24, 2011


In a non skate related post, former hockey player/skater Chris Hodgson decided to leave hockey and put the board away to focus on playing football last year, he had almost zero experience in football but his athleticism got him into the CFL playing for the BC Lions.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Here's a bit of footage from a New Maryland session that I filmed with Francis and Greg today.

Francis didn't land the line clean because he's out of shape and had no energy, so I put his sloppy line in the edit in hopes he will get motivated to skate more lol.

Archived Again.

I'm still finding old montages that never made it up on youtube, and were on the old website server so I'm uploading them, here's some of them.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


The skate video I put out in 2004 titled "Recording" is now up online to watch in whole, the video features full parts Josh Clark, Greg Brewer and Aaron "P-nut" Johnson.
All the skate videos I did over the years are now online, which took me a while to getting around doing, but I'm stoked to have kids that didn't experience that era of skateboarding watch the videos now.
A big shout out to Kelsy Norman for designing the DVD artwork for all 3 vids, and Eastside Board Supply for supporting the videos when they were released.

Here's Josh's part and the Underattack tour from video posted on youtube.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Oldish

I was cleaning out some footage from last year on my hard drive and found a few clips and random footage that I hadn't posted yet so I put together this short fun montage.


Just watched Micky Papa's new rds video part and damn!! he's killing it down in cali.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Twice The First Time

As promised here's the full version of "Twice The First Time" a video that Jordan Poistras and myself released back in 2005 featuring skaters from Fredericton and Moncton, Enjoy.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Here's a segment I put on youtube from the UTET video which is the end montage.

Also I finally got around to putting Greg's part from Twice the First Time on youtube, the whole video will be online in the next few days.


I finally got around to compressing the Under the Elm Tree's video from 2007, If you haven't seen the video before it's a retrospective look at skateboarding in Fredericton, as well as video parts from Greg Brewer, Josh Clark, Chris Hodgson, and Francis Bischoff . There's an end montage that features Brendan Leddy, P-nut, Paul Trep and more.

I'm planning to upload the full Twice the First Time video as well so check back soon for that.

Monday, May 9, 2011


A few clips I put together from a Sunday afternoon session at Kimble with Greg, Kurt and Josh.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cover vid

The footage of Josh getting the SBC cover.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Josh SBC cover

Saw this on theMerathon Trading Blog and it looks like Josh got his first cover in the newest SBC magazine. Such a crazy trick and a well deserved cover for the guy he works his ass off so it's nice to see him blowing up.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Cleaning

It's about time!!, The snow is melting and the sun is shining that means I'll be working on a new spring montage. Also you probably noticed the new look of the site, I wanted to switch it up a bit so hopefully you guys like it, and the black background should be easier on the eyes when watching videos.

And if you scroll down and look on the right side column you'll see a new twitter feed I created a twitter account for Timeline skateboarding, so if your on there be sure to follow by clicking here

On a side note I watched the Appleyard vs. Koston Battle at the Berrics pre game interview and couldn't help but think that Appleyard is fully over being Canadian and almost hating on it at one point.

Also check out the Skate and Create Doc part 1.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Shitty Rail

Toward the end of this video there's a funny slam from one of the odd future crew homies, he should know better than to skate a budget rail going that slow lol.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I put together this video for Kurtis so he can give an update to his sponsors. All the footage was already seen in the last 2 montages at Josh's warehouse so it's nothing new except for the edit itself. This will probably be the last post with warehouse footage since it's gonna be shutdown soon, but stay tuned I'll try to keep the videos coming.

Also Check out this new skatepark they have in Portland Maine, It's only a few hours from New Brunswick so I'm definitely gonna try make a trip down this spring/summer.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hali vid

Check out the new Halifax video that Kevin Macdonald put together, full parts from Kyle Macdonald, Chris Melvin, Alexander Mitchell and more.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter Chronicles

I made a new montage with a bit of leftover stuff that I didn't use in the last warehouse montage along with some new footage of Josh and Chris Melvin.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Warehouse

Here's the new montage I've been working on the last couple of weeks at Josh's warehouse spot. Kudos to Josh and his team of builders(Ron Clark, Mark Feero and co.) for setting up a spot to skate for the winter, I'm sure everyone that's skating it in Fredericton is super stoked to have something to shred.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I'm still working on putting together the new montage, so in the meantime I thought I'd share this video that Ty Evans and Atiba did testing out the new Panasonic DSLR GH-2 camera.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter Time

Well winter is in full effect and the only place to skate is indoors and luckily Josh was able to put together a little indoor spot to skate for a while. I'm currently working on a new montage but for now here's a little epic clip of josh dropping in.