Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nike Tour vid

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Tom Bateman asked me a little while ago if I would do a spotlight interview for Whoisfreddy and now it's up on their site. Check it out for a bit of skate history in Fredericton.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Bro cam is a video that was suppose to come out a long time ago and was made by Josh Kalis' crew, The video never did get released until recently a part of it was put on vimeo.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Here's another montage that zoo york filmer Rb Umali put up on vimeo.


Saturday, January 2, 2010


The other day I took a trip to Riverview with Josh Clark, Greg Brewer and Jordy Fox and we met up with Justin Allain at the park and had a fun session along with some narcoleptic antics by Greg. Here's a little montage.